Friday, 18 March 2011

Last Sunday I flew back to the UK and began the final weeks of wedding planning... one week to go!!
Its all been busy, busy, busy and time is flying by and it looks like it will continue this way so I'm not too sure when I'll next be popping in but I promise it will be as soon as I can



  1. Don't worry about us! You concentrate on having a wonderful time! I hope your day goes smoothly and I wish you both health and happiness in your marriage :) xxx

  2. ooh, best wishes next week!! can't wait to hear how it all goes :)

    xo leanna

  3. Oh Jenny, what about you? I was a follower and today I speak about a one of your printables and... I came here :D

    I hope you are well.
    Hugs from Spain and sorry for my terrible english :D

  4. gracias por la información, la buena suerte siempre compinche

  5. I don’t know how should I give you thanks! I am totally stunned by your article. You saved my time. Thanks a million for sharing this article.

  6. Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!

  7. I hope the final week of wedding planning goes smoothly.


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