Tuesday, 3 November 2009

A Written Education

Hurrah! More lovely stamps!

This wonderful snail mail came from lovely Hannah of Span's Stitches. As well as a lovely note and some cute stickers, she popped in a handful of great British stamps. Quite literally British greats...

From top to bottom:
Samuel Johnson - writer of The Dictionary of the English Language
Sir Martin Ryle - Radio Astronomer who help with the Big Bang Theory

I forgot that about the fancy edition stamps so I got a couple myself to send out to other Journal Wreckers...

My postie also had the Eminent Britons and picked out Mary Wollstonecraft, an early feminist and the mother of Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein.

While completely geeking out researching my stamps I found this page where you can see all the fancy editions from the past few years and something that made me so giddy...
How to make your own stamps with your own photos!!
How fantastic is that!!

Thank you Hannah!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you like them :) I am well impressed that you can make you're own stamps, I did not know that!


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